

Starting in November, people pick up the pace. They rush around preparing for the holidays not realizing that they are also rushing into the next year. It seems that most don’t give thought to much outside of the holidays until after they are watching them end. Then the review of the last year starts. This is not so for me. Instead, the holidays bring about a whole season of reflection, thought, and gratefulness. Life has been hectic and unpredictable since we moved to Joplin in January. This year has brought almost constant transition and has changed both Will’s and my life. We have made so very many friends and have started patching up last year’s wounds. Things are looking up and our hearts are so full. I have never been so excited for the things to come. I have never had better friends. I have never been more in love. I never understood true happiness…

… but I am sure I do now.

You all know this, though.

I am popping in to apologize, yet again, for being silent here. My current reason is because my town looks like this right now:

I think it goes without saying that I am needed more in other places than here right now. Before any of you worry, Will and I are ok. So is my family. We were really lucky that we didn’t experience any of the great loss so many did. However, we are working hard to help out our friends and fellow residents. I hope you understand. We would love for any of you to help out if you can! We actually have a few ideas up my sleeve for ways you all can help in the next few months. If you want to help now, please email me and I will direct you to several places that you can help most.

I will be back. I just can’t promise a definite timeline. I know, I know. I really stink at keeping up with this place of mine. I really want to be here. I do. One day, life will feel a little more “normal.” Today isn’t that day. Hopefully, soon! In the mean time, you can keep up with me some on Twitter. :)

I miss you all!

Love, Erin