
Tag Archives: sunday

Will and I have been dating almost two years, and he has been saying he wants a tattoo pretty much the whole time. Thursday night, he received his first tattoo. Naturally, I had to join in on the fun!

We took photos while getting our tattoos (and took plenty this weekend) but I honestly haven’t had time to edit them. While we were in Joplin celebrating Christmas with my family, we asked my dad (also a lover of photography) to take a photo of us with them.

It turned out beautiful! I am so happy that our tattoos just happened to look good together! We didn’t plan on matching tattoos or anything. We just both have a passion for photography. This photo serves as a reminder of the time in our lives we started pursuing some big goals together. This is also the first of hopefully many, many “couple” photos. I love Will very much. We are in this together now, and I couldn’t be happier. :-)